The total costs of pre-wedding photography varies from the very basic half-day packages with a single photographer to all-inclusive several days and several locations packages comprising photographers, assistants, stylists, cars, accommodation and flight tickets.
We cooperate with several professional photographers, most of them local.
We can offer the various packages, from the very basic ones starting from 1150 EUR for half-day to more complex ones quoted individually depending on the team size, number of vehicles and days.

The bronze package represents the very basic photo-shooting that we can offer. The 4 hours morning session comprises of shooting at following locations:
Staromestske namesti
Charles Bridge
Mala Strana
The team consists of 3 people (photographer, photo assistant, makeup artist/stylist).
The package includes lending wedding dress for each (suite for groom, dress for bride).
The output comprises:
all raw pictures
20 retouched pictures
1150 EUR

The silver package represents enhanced photo-shooting in more locations with more props and a car support. The 8 hours session comprises of shooting at following locations:
Staromestske namesti
Charles Bridge
Mala Strana
Prague Castle
The team consists of 4 people (photographer, photo assistant, driver, makeup artist/stylist).
The package also includes:
bouquet of flowers
2 sets of wedding dress for each (suite for groom, dress for bride)
large car (van) for transfers used as a base camp and as a changeroom/restroom
The output comprises:
all raw pictures
40 retouched pictures
1450 EUR

The golden package represents the largest package we can offer under standard pricing. Two days session (2x 8 hours) comprises of shooting at following locations:
Staromestske namesti
Charles Bridge
Mala Strana
Prague Castle
Vrtba Garden
The team consists of 4 people (photographer, photo assistant, driver, makeup artist/stylist).
The package includes:​
2x bouquet of flowers (1 for each day)
several sets of wedding dresses for each (suite for groom, dress for bride)
large car (van) for transfers used as a base camp and as a changeroom/restroom
The output comprises:
all raw pictures
70 retouched pictures
2500 EUR